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IDDescriptionSignificance / Prevalence
BH12323Executes a Base64-encoded string.
BH13263Executes a Base32-encoded string.
BH13264Executes a Base16-encoded string.
BH13265Executes LZMA-compressed data.
BH13266Executes BZip2-compressed data.
BH13267Executes Zlib-compressed data.
BH13268Executes GZip-compressed data.
BH15101Probably obfuscated with AgileDotNet .NET obfuscator.
BH15102Probably obfuscated with AsStrongAsF .NET obfuscator.
BH15103Probably obfuscated with AtomicProtector .NET obfuscator.
BH15104Probably obfuscated with Babel .NET obfuscator.
BH15105Probably obfuscated with Beds-Protector .NET obfuscator.
BH15106Probably obfuscated with Ben Mhenni Protect .NET obfuscator.
BH15107Probably obfuscated with BitHelmet HVM .NET obfuscator.
BH15108Probably obfuscated with CodeVeil .NET obfuscator.
BH15109Probably obfuscated with CodeWall .NET obfuscator.
BH15110Probably obfuscated with Confuser .NET obfuscator.
BH15111Probably obfuscated with CryptoObfuscator .NET obfuscator.
BH15112Probably obfuscated with DeepSeaObfuscator .NET obfuscator.
BH15113Probably obfuscated with DNGuard HVM .NET obfuscator.
BH15114Probably obfuscated with Dotfuscator .NET obfuscator.
BH15115Probably obfuscated with DotNetGuard .NET obfuscator.
BH15116Probably obfuscated with DotNetPatcher .NET obfuscator.
BH15117Probably obfuscated with dotNetProtector .NET obfuscator.
BH15118Probably obfuscated with DotNetSafer .NET obfuscator.
BH15119Probably obfuscated with Eziriz's .NET Reactor obfuscator.
BH15120Probably obfuscated with Fody .NET obfuscator.
BH15121Probably obfuscated with Goldfuscator .NET obfuscator.
BH15122Probably obfuscated with Goliath .NET obfuscator.
BH15123Probably obfuscated with IntelliProtector .NET obfuscator.
BH15124Probably obfuscated with Lime-Crypter .NET obfuscator.
BH15125Probably obfuscated with MdCrypt .NET obfuscator.
BH15126Probably obfuscated with ModPhuserEx .NET obfuscator.
BH15127Probably obfuscated with NETGuard .NET obfuscator.
BH15128Probably obfuscated with NineRays .NET obfuscator.
BH15129Probably obfuscated with Obfuscator.NET 2009 obfuscator.
BH15130Probably obfuscated with Orange Heap .NET obfuscator.
BH15131Probably obfuscated with PandaObfuscator .NET obfuscator.
BH15132Probably obfuscated with Phoenix Protector .NET obfuscator.
BH15133Probably obfuscated with Skater .NET obfuscator.
BH15134Probably obfuscated with SmartAssembly .NET obfuscator.
BH15135Probably obfuscated with StrongVM .NET obfuscator.
BH15136Probably obfuscated with VaporObfusactor .NET obfuscator.
BH15137Probably obfuscated with Xenocode .NET obfuscator.
BH15138Probably obfuscated with Yano .NET obfuscator.
BH15139Probably obfuscated with Z00bfuscator .NET obfuscator.
BH15140Probably packed with .netshrink packer.
BH15141Probably packed with a .NET packer employing the RunPE technique.
BH15142Probably packed with BoxedApp packer.
BH15143Probably packed with ObfPacker .NET packer.
BH15144Probably packed with Rustemsoft Guardship Protector.
BH15145Encodes data using the Base64 algorithm.
BH15147Encrypts data.
BH15149Encrypts data using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
BH15150Encrypts data using the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS).
BH15154Decodes hex or base64-encoded streams.
BH15157Decrypts data.
BH15158Contains PowerShell script packed with PS2EXE.
BH15169Contains Base16-encoded PE file.
BH15179Base64 decodes files with certutil.
BH15180Base64 encodes files with certutil.
BH15182Contains potentially obfuscated code or data.
BH15183Converts binary data to its string representation, commonly used in obfuscation.
BH15186Decodes data using the Base64 algorithm.
BH15188Decodes data using the Base32 algorithm.
BH15195Encodes data using the uuencode algorithm.
BH15196Decodes data using the uuencode algorithm.
BH15197Compresses data using the RLE (Run-Length Encoding) algorithm.
BH15198Decompresses data using the RLE (Run-Length Encoding) algorithm.
BH15201Compresses data using the BZip2 algorithm.
BH15202Decompresses data using the BZip2 algorithm.
BH15203Compresses data using the GZip algorithm.
BH15204Decompresses data using the GZip algorithm.
BH15205Compresses data using the LZMA algorithm.
BH15206Decompresses data using the LZMA algorithm.
BH15207Compresses data using the Zlib algorithm.
BH15208Decompresses data using the Zlib algorithm.
BH15209Encrypts a password using the crypt() Unix password encryption function.
BH15235Compresses or decompresses data using the Deflate algorithm.
BH15236Compresses or decompresses data using the GZip algorithm.
BH15251Decrypts data using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
BH15252Encrypts data using ARIA cipher.
BH15253Encrypts data using Blowfish cipher.
BH15254Encrypts data using Camellia cipher.
BH15255Encrypts data using CAST5 cipher.
BH15256Encrypts data using ChaCha20 cipher.
BH15257Encrypts data using Data Encryption Standard (DES).
BH15258Encrypts data using RC2 cipher.
BH15259Encrypts data using RC4 cipher.
BH15260Encrypts data using SEED cipher.
BH15261Encrypts data using SM4 cipher.
BH15262Decrypts data using ARIA cipher.
BH15263Decrypts data using Blowfish cipher.
BH15264Decrypts data using Camellia cipher.
BH15265Decrypts data using CAST5 cipher.
BH15266Decrypts data using ChaCha20 cipher.
BH15267Decrypts data using Data Encryption Standard (DES).
BH15268Decrypts data using RC2 cipher.
BH15269Decrypts data using the RC4 cipher.
BH15270Decrypts data using SM4 cipher.
BH15271Decrypts data using SEED cipher.
BH15272Uses the Scrpyt key derivation function.
BH15275Generates a cryptographic key.
BH15276Generates a new asymmetric key pair of the given type.
BH15277Uses HKDF key derivation function.
BH15278Uses PBKDF2 key derivation function.
BH15279Decrypts data using RSA with a given private key.
BH15280Encrypts data using RSA with a given private key.
BH15281Decrypts data using RSA with a given public key.
BH15282Encrypts data using RSA with a given public key.
BH15284Compresses data using the Brotli algorithm.
BH15285Decompresses data using the Brotli algorithm.
BH15294Encrypts data using RC5 cipher.
BH15295Decrypts data using RC5 cipher.
BH15296Encrypts data using International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA).
BH15297Decrypts data using International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA).
BH15300Creates a cryptographic hash of data.
BH15303Generates a new RSA key pair.
BH15304Encrypts a PEM block.
BH15305Decrypts a PEM block.
BH15306Decompresses data using the Inflate algorithm.
BH15307Decrypts data using the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS).
BH15308Decrypts data using the Windows Cryptography API.
BH15309Decodes and decrypts data using the Windows Cryptography API.
BH15310Compresses data using the LZW algorithm.
BH15311Decompresses data using the LZW algorithm.
BH15312Encodes/decodes data using ROT13.
BH15317Encrypts data using Fernet.
BH15318Decrypts data using Fernet.
BH15319Encrypts data using the Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm.
BH15320Decrypts data using the Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm.
BH15333Uses cryptographical functions.
BH15336Might decode or encode data using Base64.
BH20119Uses a Nishang command to decode a Base64 string to a readable string.
BH20120Uses a Nishang command to decode data encoded by the Nishang Invoke-Encode function.
BH20130Uses a Nishang command to encode and compress plain data.
BH20131Uses a Nishang command to encode/decode string to ROT13.
BH20170Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to compress, Base64 encode, and generate command-line output for a PowerShell payload script.
BH20171Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to compress, Base64 encode, and output generated code to load a managed DLL in memory.
BH20313Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to strip comments and extra whitespace from a script.
BH20328Uses Invoke-Obfuscation framework commands to obfuscate PowerShell scripts and commands.