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IDDescriptionSignificance / Prevalence
BH12101Accesses a list of logged on users.
BH12119Accesses the Event Log.
BH12120Accesses webcam/microphone peripherals.
BH12148Captures video streams from the web camera.
BH12191Contains one or more tracking pixels.
BH12213Creates Windows Update log files.
BH12252Disables monitoring of system-wide notifications for application related events.
BH12355Extracts the content of a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) file into a structure without importing it to certificate store.
BH12394Issues system-wide notifications for events performed by the application.
BH12428Monitors browser processes.
BH12431Monitors installation, enabling or disabling of an app or extension.
BH12432Monitors keyboard strokes.
BH12433Monitors mouse movement.
BH12436Monitors performance counters.
BH12437Monitors system I/O devices.
BH12438Monitors system-wide notifications for application related events.
BH12439Monitors user input.
BH12445Might enumerate HID devices.
BH12450Might monitor USB devices.
BH12451Might monitor media devices.
BH12473Receives messages from a host environment.
BH12474Records audio streams in WAV format from the microphone or other input devices.
BH12475Records audio.
BH12529Returns a list of all software packages that were installed with PackageManagement.
BH12534Returns all registered certificate notification tasks.
BH12558Sends messages to a host environment.
BH12590Takes screenshots.
BH12638Tampers with Event Trace Sessions and Performance logs.
BH12670Tampers with keyboard/mouse status.
BH12707Tampers with PowerShell logging and diagnostics.
BH12728Tampers with Software Inventory Logging.
BH12748Tampers with the Event Tracing for Windows.
BH12789Tampers with, generate or subscribe to events.
BH12849Possibly does API hooking.
BH12921Monitors messages exchanged via sd-bus.
BH12922Captures messages exchanged via sd-bus.
BH12956Captures an X11 display.
BH13035Records the system audio or microphone.
BH13110Accesses a /dev/video pseudo-file.
BH13355Monitors mouse activity.
BH13377Emits keyboard strokes.
behaviorContains timestamp-related format strings.
BH13403Logs timestamped data to file.
BH13471Queries if a specified process exists.
BH13487Reads information about one or more running processes.
BH13542Monitors battery status.
BH13557Checks if the browser is Java-enabled.
BH13558Checks if the browser is working online.
BH13560Might check the value of the user's Do-Not-Track preference.
BH13562Checks whether the browser is running in standalone mode.
BH13563Gets the vendor name of the current browser.
BH13568Gets the dimensions of the browser window.
BH16356Might check if the cookies are enabled.
BH19101Detects/enumerates running processes on local or remote computer.
BH19102Detects/enumerates running processes.
BH19103Enumerates access control lists for the local queue manager.
BH19104Enumerates active and past malware threats that Windows Defender detected.
BH19108Enumerates all currently loaded DLLs and APIs that are available to macros.
BH19118Enumerates background task information.
BH19124Enumerates browser processes.
BH19142Enumerates current light level.
BH19165Enumerates event subscribers in the current session.
BH19169Enumerates events in the event queue.
BH19195Enumerates known threats from the definitions catalog.
BH19205Enumerates message queues.
BH19208Enumerates name or version of the current browser.
BH19225Enumerates open pages.
BH19228Enumerates or changes current locale.
BH19230Enumerates outgoing message queues.
BH19232Enumerates peripherals.
BH19243Enumerates processes on a Remote Desktop Session Host server.
BH19255Enumerates results of BPA scans.
BH19309Enumerates Updating Run reports for all known Updating Runs, or all Updating Runs that match the specified dates or other specified parameters.
BH19311Enumerates User Access Logging (UAL) records for a DNS server.
BH19312Enumerates User Access Logging (UAL) records for client requests per user for each day.
BH19313Enumerates User Access Logging (UAL) records of client request per device.
BH19314Enumerates User Access Logging (UAL) records of client requests for each day.
BH19315Enumerates User Access Logging (UAL) records of client requests per device for each day.
BH19342Gets a queue manager.
BH19351Gets connection pooling Performance Monitor counters.
BH19368Gets notified when removable storage device is attached or detached.
BH19374Gets port information for a network switch.
BH19376Gets queue access control lists.
BH19380Gets System Event Log entries from a PCSV device.
BH19391Gets the details of events generated in a Server Manager event log.
BH19394Gets the history of threats detected on the computer.
BH19399Gets the job triggers of scheduled jobs.
BH19400Gets the key bindings for the PSReadLine module.
BH19408Gets the provider address for a server.
BH19414Gets the state of the performance data collector set.
BH19416Gets the status of Win32 services on a managed node.
BH19440Retrieves per-volume performance metrics on a volume that is monitored by Storage QoS.
BH19441Retrieves performance metrics on an I/O flow that is monitored by Storage QoS.
BH19454Retrieves the properties of a Windows event log.
BH19509Enumerates the total amount of system memory.
BH19514Enumerates file descriptors belonging to the current process.
BH19515Enumerates file descriptors of a process.
BH19516Enumerates the computer's active TCP sockets.
BH19517Enumerates the computer's active UDP sockets.
BH19545Detects/enumerates process modules.
BH19558Enumerates the number of logical processor cores.
BH19560Enumerates MIME types supported by the browser.
BH19561Enumerates the current platform of the browser.
BH19562Enumerates plugins installed in the browser.
BH19563Enumerates product information.
BH19564Might enumerate user agent of the current browser.
BH19568Enumerates display information.
BH19569Might enumerate information about screen.
BH20196Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to enumerate running processes on local or remote computer.
BH20224Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to find logon events on the current or a remote domain for the specified users.
BH20229Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to get useful information from a computer, like a credential logons, AppLocker events, PowerShell logs, etc.
BH20233Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to list available logon tokens.
BH20237Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to log keystrokes from USB keyboards using Event Tracing for Windows.
BH20238Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to log pressed key, the time and the active window when it was pressed.
BH20251Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to record audio from system microphone and save it to disk.
BH20267Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to return a list of processes and their owners on the local or a remote machine.
BH20310Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to search for processes on the domain using WMI.
BH20314Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to take a single screenshot.
BH20315Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to take screenshots at a regular interval and save them to a folder.