Supported rl-secure commands
This page provides an overview of all supported rl-secure
Most commands produce detailed, actionable output with recommendations for next steps.
You can always access inline help in your terminal for any of the commands with rl-secure command-name --help
Return codesโ
makes use of return codes (also called exit codes) to describe the status of each command.
To check the return code of the last executed CLI command, use one of the following commands appropriate for your system:
- Linux
- Windows PowerShell
echo $?
Select a command to read usage instructions and examples.
๐๏ธ checks
Show all performed checks for a package version
๐๏ธ clean
Clean up your work directory
๐๏ธ config
Modify your rl-secure settings
๐๏ธ create
Create new items in a package store
๐๏ธ find
Look up specific information in a package store
๐๏ธ init
Set up a package store
๐๏ธ inspect
Show detailed analysis results for a package version
๐๏ธ license
View your license status and usage
๐๏ธ list
Show all or specific items in a package store
๐๏ธ prune
Clean up old package versions based on their scan date
๐๏ธ remove
Delete items from a package store
๐๏ธ rename
Rename items in a package store
๐๏ธ report
Export analysis reports in multiple formats
๐๏ธ scan
Analyze software packages
๐๏ธ status
Show scan analysis results for a package version
๐๏ธ sync
Reanalyze software packages to apply configuration changes
๐๏ธ update
Upgrade your rl-secure installation to a new version
๐๏ธ vault
Manage password vault for a package store