Active license requiredDescriptionโ
Displays the contents of a package store as a nested list to showcase the project, package and version relationships.
Use this command to get a quick overview of the most pressing issues by leveraging various display options. You can get information for the whole package store at once, or focus on specific projects and packages.
You can change the output of the list
command in the following ways:
- filter out all passing or failing package versions
- show the number of issues with their severity alongside the CI/CD status
- display risk summary analysis per risk category for each package version
To get more information about a package version, use the rl-secure inspect
The difference between inspect
and list
is that list
works with projects, packages, and package versions, while inspect
works only with package versions.
However, the output provided by inspect
is much more detailed, and can be filtered by multiple criteria that are not available for the list
SAFE assessmentโ
Software package analysis covers the most important software deployment risk categories.
In the list
command output, this information is represented as the SAFE assessment card when you use the --risks
or --all
The SAFE assessment card is useful as a high-level, human-readable overview of the types of issues identified in your projects and packages.
In the command output, each risk category can have one of the following indicators:
- the category caused the CI:FAIL status!
- the category raised a warningo
- the category has no known issues and results in CI:PASS status
rl-store: /home/armando/my-repository/
/ my-project
/ my-package
@ [ L5:FAIL ] latest
( ISSUES: - <P0> [H] 20 [M] 47 [L] 210 [SUM] 277 )
{ L5:FAIL - Check (1/1) > Software package analysis }
[ Licenses o No restricted license inclusions ]
[ Secrets x 1 web service credentials found ]
[ Vulnerabilities x 2 patch mandated vulnerabilities ]
[ Hardening o No vulnerability mitigation issues ]
[ Tampering --- LICENSING: Entitlement restriction --- ]
[ Malware o No evidence of malware inclusion ]
( 10 policies were not evaluated during analysis )
( 4 policy violations blocking attainment of L2 )
Risk category | Description |
Licenses | Use of restricted licenses within a project. |
Secrets | Exposed private keys, certificates or source control. |
Vulnerabilities | Known software defects with an assigned CVE. |
Hardening | Software mitigation misconfigurations or inefficiencies. |
Tampering | Code, build system, or integrity validation tampering. |
Malware | Inclusion of malicious code behaviors or packages. |
Any of these assessment categories can be disabled.
This is determined by restrictions, also known as entitlements, tied to your rl-secure
When a category is disabled, its data is not included in the report and cannot be accessed in the terminal.
For example, if Tampering is disabled, policy violations and raw tampering data are skipped during analysis.
SAFE Levels and policy statusโ
While processing your packages, rl-secure
uses a set of built-in policies to validate your software against a number of quality, behavior, and security criteria.
If any of those policies have been disabled by the user or suppressed by SAFE Levels settings, the list
command output indicates that.
Read more about the SAFE Levels feature in the conceptual documentation.
- Example with SAFE Levels and PASS status
- Example with SAFE Levels and FAIL status
/ 7zip
/ linux
@ [ L1:PASS ] 22
( ISSUES: - <P4> [H] 0 [M] 0 [L] 1 [SUM] 1 )
{ L5:PASS - Check (1/1) > Software package analysis }
[ Licenses o No restricted license inclusions ]
[ Secrets o No sensitive information found ]
[ Vulnerabilities o No known vulnerabilities detected ]
[ Hardening o No vulnerability mitigation issues ]
[ Tampering o No evidence of software tampering ]
[ Malware o No evidence of malware inclusion ]
( 10 policies were not evaluated during analysis )
( No policy violations blocking migration to L5 )
/ secrets
/ test-package
@ [ L1:FAIL ] latest
( ISSUES: - <P0> [H] 26 [M] 20 [L] 41 [SUM] 87 )
{ L5:FAIL - Check (1/1) > Software package analysis }
[ Licenses o No restricted license inclusions ]
[ Secrets o No sensitive information found ]
[ Vulnerabilities x 6 actively exploited vulnerabilities ]
[ Hardening ! 10 baseline mitigations missing ]
[ Tampering o No evidence of software tampering ]
[ Malware o No evidence of malware inclusion ]
( 10 policies were not evaluated during analysis )
( 5 policy violations blocking attainment of L4 )
Policy status information and SAFE Levels details are displayed below the risk categories in the SAFE assessment card.
Depending on your policy configuration and SAFE Levels settings, the SAFE assessment card may include any of the following status messages.
Policy status | Description |
[N] policies were not evaluated during analysis | Indicates that some policies were disabled when the package version was last analyzed. When a policy is disabled, it doesn't have any impact on the analysis result. Issues that would be detected by a disabled policy do not get reported at all. A policy can be disabled for the whole package store, or only for specific projects and packages. You can check which exact policies are disabled in the * configuration files in your package store. |
[N] policies required for level attainment were disabled | Warns the user that the level was attained artificially (by modifying policies). If a policy was modified in a way that relaxes the level requirements, L levels (SAFE Levels) get converted to C levels (Custom Levels) in the rl-secure output. |
[N] inhibited violations blocking upgrade to [L] | Indicates issues that are inhibited at the current level, but will fail at the [L] level. You must resolve the reported issues to attain the level [L] specified in the message. |
[N] policy violations blocking attainment of [L] | Indicates issues that are causing your package version to fail at the specified level. The specified [L] level in the message can be lower or the same as your currently configured scan level. It means the package is only able to pass at a lower level, and that you must resolve the reported issues to attain the level [L] specified in the message. |
No policy violations blocking migration to [L] | Indicates the package version doesn't have any issues that would cause it to fail at the specified [L] level. The user is advised to upgrade to the suggested scan level. |
Checks overviewโ
While processing your packages, rl-secure
performs different types of checks depending on your configuration and the CLI options you use in your commands.
In the list
command output, this information is represented as the checks overview when you use the --checks
or --all
The following check types can be displayed in the command output:
- Software package analysis - standard scan of the main package version artifact
- Software package analysis: repro - standard scan of the reproducible build artifact
- Diff with: repro - comparison of the main package version artifact and its reproducible build artifact
- Diff with:
- comparison of the main package version artifact with another package version - Reproducible build check - functional and behavioral similarity check between the main and the reproducible build artifacts
The first check (Software package analysis) is the default and always present for all analyzed package versions. Other checks are displayed only if they have actually been performed for a package version.
Note how in the following example, the my-package@1.0.2
version has multiple types of checks (including the reproducibility check), while the my-package@1.0.1
version only has the default one.
rl-store: /home/armando/my-repository/
/ my-project
/ my-package
@ [ RB:FAIL ] 1.0.2 (repro)
{ L5:PASS - Check (1/4) > Software package analysis }
{ L5:PASS - Check (2/4) > Software package analysis: repro }
{ DF:PASS - Check (3/4) > Diff with: repro }
{ RB:FAIL - Check (4/4) > Reproducible build check }
@ [ L5:PASS ] 1.0.1
{ L5:PASS - Check (1/1) > Software package analysis }
Every check type is assigned a label that shows the status information (pass or fail) for the check. The first two characters in the label are used to distinguish between check types:
- software package analysis with SAFE Levels enabledCI
- software package analysis with SAFE Levels disabledC(n)
- software package analysis with custom SAFE LevelsDF
- comparison (diff) between package version artifactsRB
- reproducible build check
The overall status for the package version displays the check with the highest security risk.
When all checks pass, the overall status displays the software package analysis check (L(n):STATUS
You can use the rl-secure checks command to display similar information about all checks, but only for a specific package version.
rl-secure list [<purl>] [<options>]
rl-secure list --purl=[<purl>] [<options>]
Option | Description |
-p, --purl | Package URL for which you want to list details, in the format [pkg:type/]<project>[/<package>[@<version>]] . If you don't specify a package URL, the command shows information for the whole package store. |
--fail, --fail-only | Show only versions with CI:FAIL status. Can't be used together with --pass . |
--pass, --pass-only | Show only versions with CI:PASS status. Can't be used together with --fail . |
--counts, --show-counts | Show total count of packages and versions. |
--issues, --show-issues | Show total count of issues by severity (high, medium, low). |
--risks, --show-risks | Show SAFE assessment card. |
--checks, --show-checks | Display all performed software analysis checks. |
--usage, --show-usage | Display total disk usage instead of version count for packages. |
--vault, --show-vault | Show where password vault is in use (which package versions have passwords stored in the password vault). For security reasons, it is not possible to see the list of passwords stored in the vault. |
--all, --show-all | Show all metrics. The equivalent of using --risks , --counts , --vault , and --issues together. |
--no-color | Don't color the output. |
-h, --help | Display usage information and exit. |
-s, --rl-store | Path to an initialized package store containing the package URL. If you don't specify the path, the current directory is used. |
Show only failing package versionsโ
This example shows all package versions with the CI/CD FAIL
status in the package store.
We're using the SAFE Levels feature, so the default CI:PASS/FAIL
indicator is replaced by LX:PASS/FAIL
, where X corresponds to the SAFE Level used to scan the package.
In this example, one of the packages is using a different SAFE Level setting than the other packages.
Projects and packages that don't have any versions with the FAIL
status are listed in the output as empty.
The command expects the package store to exist in the current directory.
Use the -s
or --rl-store
options to provide an alternative path to the package store.
- Default store
- Specified store
- Output
rl-secure list --fail-only
rl-secure list --fail-only --rl-store=/home/armando/my-repository/
/ itunes
/ windows
@ [ L4:FAIL ] latest
/ secrets
/ test-package
@ [ L2:FAIL ] latest
/ sevenzip
/ linux
/ windows
/ slack
/ rpm
@ [ L4:FAIL ] 4.28
/ spotify
/ windows
List all package store contentsโ
This example shows all projects, packages, and package versions in a previously initialized package store with their CI/CD status.
With the --counts
option, we're showing the total count of packages per projects, and the total count of versions per package.
The command expects the package store to exist in the current directory.
Use the -s
or --rl-store
options to provide an alternative path to the package store.
- Default store
- Specified store
- Output
rl-secure list --counts
rl-secure list --counts --rl-store=/home/armando/my-repository/
rl-store: /home/armando/my-repository/
/ apache .............................................. Packages: 1
/ solr ............................................ Versions: 1
@ [ CI:FAIL ] 8.10
/ my-project .......................................... Packages: 1
/ my-package ...................................... Versions: 2
@ [ CI:FAIL ] 1.0.1
@ [ CI:PASS ] 1.0.2
Show issue counts for all versions of a packageโ
This example shows the distribution of issues by severity (high, medium, low) across all versions of a specific package, and the total sum of all issues.
The priority indicator (P0-P4) shows the highest priority across all issues (for example, if only one of the issues is P0, the indicator will show P0).
If there are no issues detected, the priority indicator displays OK
The command expects the package store to exist in the current directory.
Use the -s
or --rl-store
options to provide an alternative path to the package store.
- Default store
- Specified store
- Output
rl-secure list pkg:rl/my-project/my-package --issues
rl-secure list pkg:rl/my-project/my-package --issues --rl-store=/home/armando/my-repository/
rl-store: /home/armando/my-repository/
/ my-project
/ my-package
@ [ L5:FAIL ] 1.0.1
( ISSUES: - <P0> [H] 19 [M] 37 [L] 11 [SUM] 67 )
@ [ L5:PASS ] 1.0.2
( ISSUES: - <P1> [H] 4 [M] 22 [L] 3 [SUM] 29 )
Show SAFE assessment card for a package versionโ
This example shows detected risks per category and the distribution of issues by severity for a specific package version.
Each SAFE assessment category is marked with a CI:PASS (o
), warning (!
), or CI:FAIL (x
The --vault
option indicates if the package version has any passwords saved to the vault, and shows when the password vault was last modified.
If the package store doesn't have a password vault, this information is omitted from the output.
A quicker way to get the information on detected risks and issues, executed checks, and password vault activity is to use the --all
It returns the same output as if you're using --risks
, --counts
, --vault
, and --issues
options together.
The command expects the package store to exist in the current directory.
Use the -s
or --rl-store
options to provide an alternative path to the package store.
- Default store
- Specified store
- Simplified input with --all
- Output
rl-secure list pkg:rl/my-project/my-package@1.0.1 --issues --risks --vault
rl-secure list pkg:rl/my-project/my-package@1.0.1 --issues --risks --vault --rl-store=/home/armando/my-repository/
rl-secure list --all pkg:rl/my-project/my-package@1.0.1
rl-store: /home/armando/my-repository/
/ my-project
/ my-package
@ [ L5:FAIL ] 1.0.1
( ISSUES: - <P0> [H] 17 [M] 16 [L] 0 [SUM] 33 )
{ L5:FAIL - Check (1/1) > Software package analysis }
{ PASSWORD VAULT: last modified 35 minutes ago }
[ Licenses ! 5 copy-left licensed components ]
[ Secrets ! 2 web service credentials found ]
[ Vulnerabilities x 5 actively exploited vulnerabilities ]
[ Hardening ! 13 baseline mitigations missing ]
[ Tampering o No evidence of software tampering ]
[ Malware o No evidence of malware inclusion ]
( 10 policies were not evaluated during analysis )
( 5 policy violations blocking attainment of L4 )