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Manages the license required for rl-secure to operate.

Use this command to control your license status and usage.

The license is created by ReversingLabs based on your request and use-case:

  • For individual users, the license is tied to the automatically generated serial number on the local machine.
  • For CI/CD and ephemeral deployments, the license can be tied to a site-wide key that allows deployment to multiple machines.

The first time you will use the license command is during the rl-secure installation. With the status sub-command, you can get information about your serial number and the status of your license.

The license status can be one of the following:

  • unlicensed (not activated yet)
  • valid
  • invalid
  • expired
  • revoked

When you run rl-secure license status for the first time, the status will be unlicensed, and you will be prompted to send your machine serial number to ReversingLabs.

After you receive the license key, you should activate your license by running rl-secure license install path-to-license-key. This places a copy of the license key file into your rl-secure installation folder.

The status sub-command output includes additional information for activated licenses, such as license provisioning parameters (start date and expiry date), any potential assessment restrictions ("entitlements") tied to your user account, and the monthly analysis capacity allocated to your account.

Shared capacity

Since CLI and Portal share a ReversingLabs cloud account, the monthly capacity is split between them and can only be configured in the Portal interface.

You can check your usage at any point with the usage sub-command. The usage output displays your used and remaining analysis capacity for the current month. Analysis capacity is always monthly and automatically resets to zero on the first day of any given month.

Optionally, you can request a log of all files that used your analysis capacity in the last N days. The logs are kept per month and rotate out after a preconfigured amount of time (default: 1 year).

Flex optionโ€‹

The Flex option is a promotional add-on to your license provided by ReversingLabs. It increases the analysis capacity allocated to your account for a limited time period. During this time, you get more capacity for processing your packages.

When Flex is enabled for your account, your default analysis capacity is used first. The Flex capacity is used only when you exceed your purchased analysis capacity.

To check if Flex is enabled for your account, run the following command:

rl-secure license status

The output includes an extra line about Flex under Consumption > Capacity when it's enabled for the account you're currently using, or when it has been enabled previously but expired in the meantime.

Accounts that never had Flex enabled will not get this line in the output.

[ LICENSE ] Machine # <serial-number> - VALID 
Constraints -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Packages: UNLIMITED (up to 10.00 GB per artifact)
Entitlement -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consumption -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLI : 1.08 GB / 10.00 GB (limit)
PORTAL : 0.00 GB / 490.00 GB (limit)
Capacity: 500.00 GB / month until 2025-02-24
+100.00 GB / month until 2024-04-24 of Flex
Tracking: ReversingLabs Cloud - usage resets in 29 day(s)


rl-secure license <sub-command> [<options>]

rl-secure license install <file-path>

rl-secure license status

rl-secure license usage [<options>]


Supported sub-commands:

  • install
  • status
  • usage
-h, --helpDisplay usage information and exit. Supported for all sub-commands.
--file-pathOnly for the install sub-command. Provide the path to the license file on the filesystem.
-k, --site-keyOnly for the install sub-command. Provide the site key for organization-wide deployments.
--no-colorOnly for the status sub-command. Disables colors in the command output.
--save-csvOnly for the usage sub-command. Save usage log to specified CSV file.
--show-log ย  ย  ย  ย Only for the usage sub-command. Display all files that counted against the current user's analysis capacity in the last N days. Specify the number of days as an integer.


Check the license statusโ€‹

This example displays the status information for a valid and successfully activated rl-secure license for an account with some assessment restrictions. You can run the command in any local directory.

rl-secure license status

Show usage for the last 2 daysโ€‹

This example displays the analysis capacity usage for the last two days.

To save the output of this command to a CSV file, we're using the --save-csv option.

rl-secure license usage --show-log=2 --save-csv=/home/armando/usage.csv