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Settings is one of the main features of the Spectra Assure Portal.

With Settings, you can distribute your organization analysis capacity between Portal and CLI, configure limits for your groups, and even adapt policies and SAFE Levels to the needs of your organization or group. If you want to enable logging into your Portal instance by using SSO, you can configure it on this page.

Depending on your Portal user role, the Settings page lets you:

  • manage your organization analysis capacity and group limits
  • track your monthly Portal and CLI usage
  • distribute your organization analysis capacity between Portal and CLI
  • distribute your group limits between File Stream and Projects
  • check any entitlement restrictions
  • configure policies for your organization and groups
  • configure SAFE Levels for your organization and groups
  • configure settings for SSO login
  • map SSO groups to Portal groups

All pages on the Portal share a header from which you can switch between various groups you belong to, and the tabs for each Portal page you can alternate between: File Stream, Projects, Members, and Settings.

When you first open the Portal settings, you land on the Analysis Capacity page.

The sidebar on the left is always visible when switching between different settings and it includes the following items:

  • Analysis Capacity, where you can manage your organization analysis capacity and group limits, as well as track monthly capacity usage and check any entitlement restrictions
  • Policy Configuration, where you can configure policies for your organization or alternate between policy configuration settings for each group
  • User Directory (SSO), where you can configure settings for SSO login and map SSO groups to Portal groups

Analysis Capacityโ€‹

To use the Portal, you need a valid license, which is obtained during sign-up. This license is tied to a ReversingLabs cloud account and determines not only how much analysis capacity you get, but also which entitlement categories are disabled for your account. Since CLI and Portal share a ReversingLabs cloud account, the total analysis capacity is divided between the two and can be configured from the Analysis Capacity page.

The Analysis Capacity page lets you:

  • check the entitlements for your account
  • check current analysis capacity statuses for your organization and groups
  • see your capacity consumption statistics by month
  • adjust how the group limit is distributed between different parts of the Portal.

If you're both a Portal and a CLI user, this page will also show your monthly capacity consumption for both products. For CLI-only users, the monthly capacity consumption for Portal will always be 0, and vice versa.

The information on configured limits for each group is displayed in the Monthly Usage for Groups table containing the following fields:

  • Info - expands to show all projects in a group and their information (project name, number of versions inside each project, and how much of the capacity it uses (in GB))
  • Group Name - indicates the name of the group
  • Monthly Limit (GB) - indicates the limit configured for that specific group
  • Used (GB) - indicates how much of its configured limit has the group used in the current month. Limits are optional, but it's strongly recommended to configure them for all your groups to avoid using up the whole capacity
  • File Stream (%) - indicates the percentage and the amount of the group limits configured for File Stream, and how much of it is used
  • Projects (%) - indicates the percentage and the amount of the group limits configured for Projects, and how much of it is used
  • Actions - with Edit/Remove group usage limit icons. If your group has already had limits configured, you can either remove them or edit how much of those limits can be used for File Stream and how much for Projects

By default, all groups are shown here. The search bar above the table helps you find groups by their names without having to go through all the results in the table. To view only the groups that have a limit configured, use the filter next to the search bar (LIMITED ONLY). The Add Group Limit button next to the filter allows you to select one or more groups for which you want to configure limits.

The data in the Monthly Usage for Groups table can be ordered by the following column header values:

  • the group name (Group Name)
  • the amount of monthly limits configured for the group (Monthly Limit (GB))
  • the amount of capacity used by a group (Used (GB))

Configure limitsโ€‹

When limits are set for your group, they act as lightweight capacity reservations. This means that groups can use only the capacity within their configured limits, but it's not guaranteed that they'll be able to use up the whole amount.

The amount of capacity at your group's disposal heavily depends on the usage habits of other groups within your organization. The limits you set only ensure that your group cannot use more than what was given to it.

There are two possible scenarios:

Case 1: All groups have set limits

Out of 10 GB of available Portal capacity, Group A and Group B have set limits to 7 GB each. This means that both groups can upload and analyze at most 7 GB of files in total. However, if Group A uses up 6 GB, Group B will have only 4 GB available for uploading and analyzing files, regardless of the set limits.

Case 2: A group with no limits exists

Out of 10 GB of available Portal capacity, Group A has set a limit to 5 GB, while Group B has no limits. If Group B spends 8 GB of capacity, Group A will only have 2 GB available for uploading and analyzing files, regardless of the set limits.

Split capacity between CLI and Portalโ€‹

You can distribute the total analysis capacity between the CLI and the Portal by clicking on the Reallocate Analysis Capacity button.


The total analysis capacity cannot be exceeded during limit configuration.

This allows you to tailor the limits according to your consumption habits. For example, your total capacity is 10 GB and you usually spend 6 GB for Portal and 4 GB for CLI processing. If this month you need 8 GB for the Portal, you can reallocate your analysis capacity accordingly. This will then leave only 2 GB for CLI processing.

Setting the Portal or CLI limit lower than the amount already spent raises a warning in the Reallocate Analysis Capacity dialog.

Configure group limitsโ€‹

After splitting your capacity between the Portal and the CLI, you can configure limits for one or more of your groups. This is done by selecting the Add Group Limit button above the Monthly Usage for Groups table. If your group has already had limits configured, from the Actions menu, you can:

  • remove the limits completely
  • edit how much of the organization analysis capacity the group can use
  • edit how the group limits are distributed between File Stream and Projects.

This allows you to tailor the limits according to your consumption habits. For example, if organization capacity for Portal is limited to 4 GB and there's only one Portal group, you can set its limit to be 4 GB as well. This group limit can then be divided between File Stream and Projects by setting feature limits.

If you set feature limits of 2 GB for File Stream and 2 GB for Projects, but this month you need 3 GB for Projects, you can adjust your feature limits accordingly. This will then leave only 1 GB for File Stream since 3 GB will be spent on Projects.

Setting the Projects or File Stream limit lower than the amount already spent raises a warning in the Add Group Limit dialog.

Increase organization capacityโ€‹

The analysis capacity resets on the first day of every month. When needed, you can get an extension to your analysis capacity by means of the so-called Flex.

The Flex option is a promotional add-on to your license provided by ReversingLabs. It increases the analysis capacity allocated to your account for a limited time period. During this time, you get more capacity for processing your packages.

When Flex is enabled for your account, your default analysis capacity is used first. The Flex capacity is used only when you exceed your purchased analysis capacity.

Having Flex does not allow you to divide more capacity between products or Portal groups. This is why when your organization runs out of its monthly analysis capacity, you can increase it by contacting your sales representative.

Interpret usage graphs and informationโ€‹

The Monthly Analysis Capacity chart indicates how much of the overall available analysis capacity was used per month by your organization.

On the Portal, this information is displayed as follows:

The line chart shows the capacity usage for those months during which your analysis capacity has been active. Data is displayed for a period of maximum 12 months prior to the current date.

On the chart, the black line represents the total analysis capacity for your organization, while the green line displays the amount of Flex quota. The dark purple area shows how much of the analysis capacity is used only by the Portal. If you're also using the CLI, the light purple area shows the overall usage for both products per month. This gives you a better insight into your organization's analysis capacity consumption habits.

The Analysis Capacity progress bar next to the chart shows the amount of used capacity and visually represents how much of the analysis capacity your organization has left until the limit is reached. If you're using both CLI and Portal, the first part of the bar shows the used capacity for the CLI (in GB) and the second part for the Portal (in GB). In case you're working with one product and not the other, the bar always shows 0 GB for the product you do not use.

The Portal Download Capacity progress bar below indicates how much of the capacity designated for downloads your organization has left until the limit is reached. The download capacity is separate from Analysis Capacity and cannot be divided between products or groups.

SAFE Assessment Entitlementsโ€‹

The SAFE Assessment Entitlements section allows you to check which SAFE Assessment categories are enabled for your ReversingLabs cloud account and are evaluated during software analysis. If you're using both Portal and CLI, same entitlement restrictions apply to both products.

You can distinguish between enabled and disabled categories by color - the disabled categories are greyed out. The data from the disabled categories is not included in the report and does not affect the overall CI status.

Entitlements can be dynamically disabled and enabled. This means that you can contact sales when you need to switch specific categories on or off, without acquiring a new license.

Files that were uploaded to Portal File Stream or Portal Projects and analyzed before making changes to any category will not be automatically reprocessed afterwards. This means that their reports will contain even the data from these newly disabled categories.

Policy Configurationโ€‹

The Policy Configuration page lets users with appropriate user roles adjust analysis configuration settings used to refine scanning results and suppress both global and individual results. These settings can be configured at the organization level or at the group level.

All policies you can edit are listed in the Organization policy configuration and Group policy configuration tables containing the following fields:

  • Category - indicates the categories the policies belong to
  • ID - indicates the policy ID
  • Description - indicates the issue covered by a specific policy
  • Enabled - indicates whether the policy in question is enabled or not. When enabled, it influences the final CI/CD status and overall deployment risk of analyzed files. When disabled, the policy will not be used during analysis
  • CI/CD Status - indicates the overall CI status (pass or fail). When set to Fail, a policy can influence the build process by reporting the CI fail status on policy violations. Based on the CI status in the report, you can configure your CI/CD pipeline to stop the build process and prevent code merge or a software release. When set to Pass, a policy does not report the CI fail status even when policy violations exist
  • Actions - a menu from which you can edit policies. More precisely, you can choose whether you want to enable your policy, make your policy stop the build process depending on the CI/CD status, or explain why you want to change the policy configuration

By using a search bar above the Organization policy configuration or Group policy configuration tables, you can search for policies by their names or IDs without having to go through all the results in the table. The search bar includes a dropdown that ensures all policies are readily available.

You can filter the data in the table to show only those policies that have been edited (Show edited only) or those whose behavior has been customized (Show customized levels only). The latter filter is applicable only when policy configuration has levels enabled and will show policies which were edited to be less strict than the level enabled for your organization or group.

Clicking the pin icon next to the search bar lets you retain the selected filters even when alternating between your groups. These filters can also be removed by clicking Clear All Filters next to the filter toggle switches.

Edit policy configurationโ€‹

Organization-level configurationโ€‹

If you have the appropriate role, you can configure policies for your organization by clicking on the Policy Configuration page in the sidebar. From there, you can edit each policy in the Organization policy configuration table to suit your organization's needs.

Group-level configurationโ€‹

If you have the appropriate role, clicking a group name in the sidebar leads you to a page where you can configure SAFE Levels and policies for your group. From there, you can edit each policy in the Group policy configuration table to suit your group's needs.


By default, groups directly inherit the policy rules of the organization they belong to. However, editing policies for your group overrides the organization-level configuration.

SAFE Levels configurationโ€‹

Instead of manually tweaking each policy, you can use SAFE Levels, each of which has pre-configured settings for policies.

By default, SAFE Levels are enabled and set to level 5 on the Portal. You can change this by either disabling them completely (Don't use levels) or choosing one of the five levels, either for the whole organization or for every group individually.

Switching between SAFE Levels or disabling them affects the software package analysis results both on File Stream and Projects pages. When you've changed or disabled SAFE Levels settings, you need to reanalyze your packages for new changes to take effect and your analysis reports to be up to date.