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IDDescriptionSignificance / Prevalence
BH12163Changes settings that enable remote users to run commands on the local computer.
BH12253Disables Office's macro virus protection capabilities.
BH12281Disables the Network Inspection service (NIS).
BH12296Disables the Windows Event Log service.
BH12297Disables the Windows Firewall service.
BH12302Disables the Windows Update service.
BH12303Disables Windows Patchguard.
BH12425Modifies handler for F11 function key, used to access the macro editor.
BH12426Modifies handler for F8 function key, used to open the macro dialog box.
BH12462Overwrites free space and prevents file recovery.
BH12469Prevents the user from aborting the batch execution.
BH12574Starts a PowerShell session with execution policy set to 'bypass'.
BH12619Tampers with debugger.
BH12805Detects presence of debuggers.
BH12813Uses JavaScript debugger.
BH12814Uses ping utility to delay the execution of the application, commonly used as an anti-emulation and anti-tracing technique.
BH12816Uses VBA anti-emulation techniques.
BH13260Uses debugging methods.
BH13549Might start profiling.
BH14101Attempts to evade UAC by abusing AppInfo command line parser.
BH14102Attempts to evade UAC by abusing COM entry hijack.
BH14103Attempts to evade UAC by abusing GetLongPathNameW behavior in Application Information Service.
BH14104Attempts to evade UAC by combining NTFS reparse point and DLL hijack UAC bypass.
BH14105Attempts to evade UAC by controlling App Path registry key data.
BH14106Attempts to evade UAC by DLL hijack of SystemProperties commands.
BH14107Attempts to evade UAC by hijacking mscfile shell command.
BH14108Attempts to evade UAC by manipulating current user environment variables.
BH14109Attempts to evade UAC by obtaining the token of an auto-elevated process.
BH14110Attempts to evade UAC by overwriting ms-settings shell command.
BH14111Attempts to evade UAC by reusing token from UIAccess application.
BH14112Attempts to evade UAC by tricking Clean Manager.
BH14113Attempts to evade UAC by using AccessibilityCplAdmin elevated launch.
BH14114Attempts to evade UAC by using BitlockerWizardElev race condition.
BH14115Attempts to evade UAC by using a Cerber-style UAC bypass.
BH14116Attempts to evade UAC by using CMLuaUtil interface.
BH14117Attempts to evade UAC by using ColorDataProxy/CCMLuaUtil undocumented COM interfaces.
BH14118Attempts to evade UAC by using COM handlers hijacking.
BH14119Attempts to evade UAC by using COR profiler.
BH14120Attempts to evade UAC by using CreateNewLink autoelevated interface.
BH14121Attempts to evade UAC by using DiskCleanup environment variable.
BH14122Attempts to evade UAC by using EditionUpgradeManager autoelevated interface.
BH14123Attempts to evade UAC by using FwCplLua undocumented COM interface.
BH14124Attempts to evade UAC by using IDateTimeStateWriter COM interface.
BH14125Attempts to evade UAC by using IsolatedCommand UAC bypass.
BH14126Attempts to evade UAC by using Microsoft Management Console via ALPC.
BH14127Attempts to evade UAC by using self-defined SystemRoot environment.
BH14128Attempts to evade UAC by using SLUI elevated launch.
BH14129Attempts to evade UAC by using SPPLUAObject COM interface.
BH14130Attempts to evade UAC by using uiAccess UAC bypass.
BH14131Attempts to evade UAC by using undocumented IARPUninstallStringLauncher interface.
BH14132Attempts to evade UAC by using whitelisted InfDefaultInstall interface.
BH14133Attempts to evade UAC by using WOW64 logger DLL.
BH14134Attempts to evade UAC using AppInfo AutoApproveEXEList UAC bypass.
BH14135Attempts to evade UAC using AppInfo Manifest UAC bypass.
BH14136Attempts to evade UAC using AppInfo whitelisting model UAC bypass.
BH14137Attempts to evade UAC using Application Verifier UAC bypass.
BH14138Attempts to evade UAC using AutoElevate UAC bypass.
BH14139Attempts to evade UAC using Deployment Image Servicing and Management UAC bypass.
BH14140Attempts to evade UAC using generic autoelevation UAC bypass.
BH14141Attempts to evade UAC using "Get Windows" marketing package UAC bypass.
BH14142Attempts to evade UAC using IIS InetMgr UAC bypass.
BH14143Attempts to evade UAC using Microsoft Management Console UAC bypass.
BH14144Attempts to evade UAC using OOBE AppInfo whitelisting UAC bypass.
BH14145Attempts to evade UAC using shim patching UAC bypass.
BH14146Attempts to evade UAC using shim RedirectEXE UAC bypass.
BH14147Attempts to evade UAC using Simda UAC bypass.
BH14148Attempts to evade UAC using SXS Local Redirect UAC bypass.
BH14149Attempts to evade UAC using Wusa Cabinet UAC bypass.
BH15185The file contains push-obfuscated API strings.
BH15283Uses hex-obfuscated module import directive.
BH15286Uses hex-obfuscated import directive of external modules.
BH16101Contains potentially deceptive links.
BH18101Detects Ad-Aware related security products.
BH18102Detects Agnitum related security products.
BH18103Detects AhnLab related security products.
BH18104Detects Anubis sandbox related virtualized environments.
BH18105Detects Avast related security products.
BH18106Detects AVG related security products.
BH18107Detects Avira related security products.
BH18108Detects BitDefender related security products.
BH18109Detects Bochs emulator related virtualized environments.
BH18110Detects CA related security products.
BH18111Detects CheckPoint related security products.
BH18113Detects common security products, firewalls or anti-virus solutions.
BH18114Detects Comodo related security products.
BH18115Detects Cuckoo sandbox related virtualized environments.
BH18116Detects CW sandbox related virtualized environments.
BH18117Detects ESET related security products.
BH18118Detects F-Secure related security products.
BH18119Detects Fortinet related security products.
BH18120Detects Fortinet sandbox related virtualized environments.
BH18121Detects G Data related security products.
BH18122Detects generic virtualized environments.
BH18124Detects installed security products using WMI.
BH18125Detects JoeBox sandbox related virtualized environments.
BH18126Detects K7 Computing related security products.
BH18127Detects Kaspersky related security products.
BH18128Detects Kingsoft related security products.
BH18129Detects KVM related virtualized environments.
BH18130Detects McAfee related security products.
BH18131Detects Microsoft Hyper-V related virtualized environments.
BH18132Detects Microsoft related security products.
BH18133Detects Microsoft VirtualPC related virtualized environments.
BH18134Detects Norman related security products.
BH18135Detects Panda related security products.
BH18136Detects Parallels related virtualized environments.
BH18137Detects PCTools related security products.
BH18138Detects QEMU related virtualized environments.
BH18139Detects QuickHeal related security products.
BH18140Detects Rising related security products.
BH18142Detects Sandboxie sandbox related virtualized environments.
BH18143Detects Sophos related security products.
BH18144Detects Sunbelt related security products.
BH18145Detects SunBelt sandbox related virtualized environments.
BH18146Detects Sygate related security products.
BH18147Detects Symantec related security products.
BH18148Detects TrendMicro related security products.
BH18149Detects VirtualBox related virtualized environments.
BH18150Detects VMWare related virtualized environments.
BH18151Detects Webroot related security products.
BH18152Detects Wine related virtualized environments.
BH18153Detects Xen related virtualized environments.
BH18154Detects ZoneLabs related security products.
BH18155Disables services related to Ad-Aware security products.
BH18156Disables services related to Agnitum security products.
BH18157Disables services related to AhnLab security products.
BH18158Disables services related to Avast security products.
BH18159Disables services related to AVG security products.
BH18160Disables services related to Avira security products.
BH18161Disables services related to BitDefender security products.
BH18162Disables services related to CA security products.
BH18163Disables services related to ClamAV security products.
BH18164Disables services related to common security products, firewalls or anti-virus solutions.
BH18165Disables services related to DrWeb security products.
BH18166Disables services related to Emsisoft security products.
BH18167Disables services related to ESET security products.
BH18168Disables services related to F-Secure security products.
BH18169Disables services related to G Data security products.
BH18170Disables services related to Ikarus security products.
BH18171Disables services related to K7 Computing security products.
BH18172Disables services related to Kaspersky security products.
BH18173Disables services related to Kingsoft security products.
BH18174Disables services related to Malwarebytes security products.
BH18175Disables services related to McAfee security products.
BH18176Disables services related to Microsoft security products.
BH18177Disables services related to Norman security products.
BH18178Disables services related to Panda security products.
BH18179Disables services related to QuickHeal security products.
BH18180Disables services related to Rising security products.
BH18181Disables services related to Sophos security products.
BH18182Disables services related to Symantec security products.
BH18183Disables services related to TrendMicro security products.
BH18184Disables services related to Windows Defender.
BH18185Disables services related to ZoneLabs security products.
BH18214Tampers with services related to Ad-Aware security products.
BH18215Tampers with services related to Agnitum security products.
BH18216Tampers with services related to AhnLab security products.
BH18217Tampers with services related to Avast security products.
BH18218Tampers with services related to AVG security products.
BH18219Tampers with services related to Avira security products.
BH18220Tampers with services related to BitDefender security products.
BH18221Tampers with services related to CA security products.
BH18222Tampers with services related to ClamAV security products.
BH18223Tampers with services related to common security products, firewalls or anti-virus solutions.
BH18224Tampers with services related to DrWeb security products.
BH18225Tampers with services related to ESET security products.
BH18226Tampers with services related to F-Secure security products.
BH18227Tampers with services related to G Data security products.
BH18228Tampers with services related to Ikarus security products.
BH18229Tampers with services related to K7 Computing security products.
BH18230Tampers with services related to Kaspersky security products.
BH18231Tampers with services related to Kingsoft security products.
BH18232Tampers with services related to McAfee security products.
BH18233Tampers with services related to Microsoft security products.
BH18234Tampers with services related to Norman security products.
BH18235Tampers with services related to Panda security products.
BH18236Tampers with services related to QuickHeal security products.
BH18237Tampers with services related to Rising security products.
BH18238Tampers with services related to Sophos security products.
BH18239Tampers with services related to Symantec security products.
BH18240Tampers with services related to TrendMicro security products.
BH18241Tampers with services related to ZoneLabs security products.
BH18247Checks the AppArmor status.
BH18248Disables AppArmor.
BH18249Contains strings commonly used for detecting VMs.
BH18250Detects common security products.
BH18251Detects ClamAV related security products.
BH18252Detects DrWeb related security products.
BH19123Enumerates breakpoints that are set in the current session.
BH19147Enumerates debugger breakpoints.
BH19375Gets preferences for the Windows Defender scans and updates.
BH19415Gets the status of antimalware software on the computer.
BH19565Might enumerate time related performance information.
BH20104Uses a Nishang command to bypass UAC using several known methods.
BH20105Uses a Nishang command to bypass Windows Antimalware Scan Interface.
BH20121Uses a Nishang command to detect whether it is in a known virtual machine.
BH20236Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to locate single byte AV signatures.
BH20247Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to perform a UAC bypass attack by duplicating a High Integrity security access token.
BH20248Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to perform a UAC bypass attack by abusing the lack of an embedded manifest in wscript.exe.
BH20249Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to perform a UAC bypass attack by utilizing the trusted publisher certificate through process injection.