BH12113 | Accesses memory in unusual way. | |
BH12167 | Changes the priority of a process. | |
BH12186 | Contains compiled Lua script bytecode. | |
BH12187 | Calls a procedure in a dynamic link library or code resource at a specific memory address, commonly used to execute Windows APIs. | |
BH12197 | Creates a fork bomb. | |
BH12199 | Creates a new process which executes a shell. | |
BH12203 | Creates a service. | |
BH12204 | Creates a service using WMI. | |
BH12207 | Creates and interacts with additional .NET objects. | |
BH12208 | Creates and interacts with additional COM objects. | |
BH12214 | Creates a process. | |
BH12215 | Creates a new process using WMI. | |
BH12220 | Delays execution. | |
BH12317 | Elevates current user privileges. | |
BH12320 | Evaluates an expression. | |
BH12321 | Evaluates code dynamically. | |
BH12322 | Evaluates PHP code dynamically. | |
BH12324 | Executes a file and pauses script execution until the execution is finished. | |
BH12325 | Executes a file with a hidden window. | |
BH12328 | Executes an expression. | |
BH12329 | Executes another application. | |
BH12330 | Executes another batch file. | |
BH12332 | Executes code using cmstp. | |
BH12333 | Executes code within a trusted execution enclave. | |
BH12334 | Executes commands as another user. | |
BH12336 | Executes commands in a new PowerShell module. | |
BH12337 | Executes commands in another application. | |
BH12338 | Executes commands in command line. | |
BH12339 | Executes commands inside Windows Store app container. | |
BH12340 | Executes commands on a local or remote computer. | |
BH12341 | Executes commands through DDE. | |
BH12342 | Executes commands using superuser rights. | |
BH12343 | Executes DiskPart scripts. | |
BH12344 | Executes Operation Validation Framework tests for a PowerShell module. | |
BH12345 | Executes Pester tests for Windows PowerShell. | |
BH12347 | Executes scripts stored in an Alternate Data Stream (ADS). | |
BH12348 | Executes scripts using cscript tool. | |
BH12349 | Executes scripts using Shared Worker API. | |
BH12352 | Executes Troubleshooting Packs. | |
BH12353 | Executes additional DLL modules, or calls exported functions. | |
BH12368 | Imports credentials management APIs from the Windows API. | |
BH12372 | Imports process creation APIs from the Windows API. | |
BH12373 | Imports registry management APIs from the Windows API. | |
BH12385 | Installs an assembly. | |
BH12391 | Installs system drivers. | |
BH12392 | Interacts with Microsoft .NET Framework code, types and assemblies. | |
BH12393 | Invokes commands obfuscated by format string permutations. | |
BH12395 | Kills processes. | |
BH12397 | Launches an application. | |
BH12406 | Loads additional libraries. | |
BH12459 | Opens a dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel to an external application. | |
BH12463 | Controls a service. | |
BH12480 | Removes a service using WMI. | |
BH12481 | Removes a service. | |
BH12482 | Removes a system driver using WMI. | |
BH12499 | Requests information from an external application through dynamic data exchange (DDE). | |
BH12542 | Runs a macro at a specified time. | |
BH12543 | Runs a macro on a window switch. | |
BH12544 | Runs a macro when a particular key or key combination is pressed. | |
BH12545 | Runs a macro when a sheet is activated from another sheet. | |
BH12546 | Runs a macro when a sheet is updated. | |
BH12547 | Runs a macro when a specific cell, an object or an item is double-clicked. | |
BH12548 | Runs a macro when data is entered into a cell. | |
BH12549 | Runs a macro when external application sends data via dynamic data exchange (DDE). | |
BH12550 | Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program is finished. | |
BH12551 | Runs an external program under the context of a different user and pauses script execution until the program is finished. | |
BH12552 | Runs an external program under the context of a different user. | |
BH12554 | Schedules a task on a remote computer. | |
BH12555 | Schedules code execution for a later time. | |
BH12556 | Sends keystrokes to an external application using dynamic data exchange (DDE). | |
BH12557 | Sends keystrokes to an external application. | |
BH12564 | Sets the command-line command that will run when the job finishes transferring data or when a job enters a state. | |
BH12566 | Shuts down or reboots the system. | |
BH12567 | Shuts down or restarts local or remote computers. | |
BH12568 | Shutdowns or reboots a system. | |
BH12569 | Shuts down or restarts the specified Remote Desktop Session Host server. | |
BH12571 | Starts a PowerShell session and executes Base64-encoded commands. | |
BH12572 | Starts a PowerShell session and executes specified commands from a file. | |
BH12573 | Starts a PowerShell session and executes specified commands. | |
BH12576 | Starts a PowerShell session. | |
BH12579 | Starts Command Prompt. | |
BH12580 | Starts new PowerShell Workflow Session. | |
BH12581 | Starts Registry Editor. | |
BH12582 | Starts Remote Desktop Connection. | |
BH12583 | Starts Task Scheduler. | |
BH12584 | Enables a scheduled task. | |
BH12585 | Starts the remote control of another Remote Desktop Services session. | |
BH12588 | Stops running processes. | |
BH12595 | Tampers with App Background Tasks. | |
BH12634 | Tampers with driver signing. | |
BH12639 | Tampers with executable file startup parameters. | |
BH12640 | Tampers with execution environment. | |
BH12678 | Tampers with module search locations. | |
BH12692 | Tampers with network print jobs. | |
BH12744 | Tampers with system shutdown. | |
BH12776 | Tampers with Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC). | |
BH12791 | Terminates a process on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host server. | |
BH12792 | Terminates a process using WMI. | |
BH12793 | Terminates a process. | |
BH12794 | Terminates a process/thread. | |
BH12795 | Terminates a service using WMI. | |
BH12796 | Terminates browser processes. | |
BH12801 | Uses a Lua script interpreter. | |
BH12802 | Uses a Perl script interpreter. | |
BH12803 | Uses a Python script interpreter. | |
BH12804 | Uses a Ruby script interpreter. | |
BH12812 | Uses Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to communicate with an external application. | |
BH12815 | Uses the V8 JavaScript script interpreter (or some related framework). | |
BH12817 | Uses Windows Management Instrumentation to access system. | |
BH12818 | Uses Windows Management Instrumentation to create a process. | |
BH12824 | Starts a service. | |
BH12828 | Loads the advapi32.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12829 | Loads the bcrypt.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12830 | Loads the dbghelp.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12831 | Loads the kernel32.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12832 | Loads the msvcrt.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12833 | Loads the ntdll.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12834 | Loads the ole32.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12835 | Loads the oleaut32.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12836 | Loads the shell32.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12837 | Loads the urlmon.dll dynamic link library. | |
BH12838 | Contains reference to advapi32.dll which is Advanced Windows 32 Base API. | |
BH12839 | Contains reference to advapi32res.dll which is Advanced Windows 32 Base API. | |
BH12840 | Contains reference to bcrypt.dll which is Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library (Wow64). | |
BH12841 | Contains reference to dbghelp.dll which is Windows Image Helper. | |
BH12842 | Contains reference to kernel32.dll which is Windows NT BASE API Client DLL. | |
BH12843 | Contains reference to msvcrt.dll which is Windows NT CRT DLL. | |
BH12844 | Contains reference to ntdll.dll which is NT Layer DLL. | |
BH12845 | Contains reference to ole32.dll which is Microsoft OLE for Windows. | |
BH12846 | Contains reference to shell32.dll which is Windows Shell Common Dll. | |
BH12847 | Contains reference to urlmon.dll which is OLE32 Extensions for Win32. | |
BH12876 | Starts a systemd service. | |
BH12877 | Stops a systemd service. | |
BH12883 | Preloads a library using LD_PRELOAD. | |
BH12905 | Makes changes to the GUID partition table. | |
BH12906 | Makes changes to the disk partition table. | |
BH12907 | Creates a filesystem. | |
BH12915 | Sends a dbus message. | |
BH12918 | Calls an sd-bus method. | |
BH12919 | Emits an sd-bus signal. | |
BH12923 | Creates an initial ramdisk enviroment. | |
BH12930 | Inserts a kernel module. | |
BH12931 | Sends a kill signal to a systemd unit. | |
BH12932 | Isolates a systemd unit. | |
BH12933 | Freezes a systemd unit. | |
BH12934 | Edits a systemd unit. | |
BH12935 | Re-enables a systemd unit. | |
BH12936 | Restarts a systemd unit. | |
BH12937 | Reloads a systemd unit. | |
BH12938 | Reloads the systemd manager configuration. | |
BH12939 | Re-executes the systemd manager. | |
BH12946 | Spawns a systemd container. | |
BH12947 | Executes a program in a new namespace. | |
BH12948 | Executes a program in a different namespace. | |
BH12949 | Changes the reported architecture in a new program environment, or sets personality flags. | |
BH12954 | Executes a process inside a network namespace. | |
BH12957 | Traces system calls and signals. | |
BH12958 | Traces library calls. | |
BH12959 | Controls the kernel's audit system. | |
BH12962 | Attaches to a running Docker container. | |
BH12963 | Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile. | |
BH12964 | Generates a new Docker image from a container's changes. | |
BH12966 | Creates a new Docker container. | |
BH12968 | Runs a command in a running Docker container. | |
BH12969 | Streams the contents of a Docker container as a tar archive. | |
BH12970 | Creates a new filesystem image from the contents of a Docker tarball. | |
BH12971 | Kills a running Docker container. | |
BH12972 | Loads an image from a Docker tar archive. | |
BH12973 | Restarts a Docker container. | |
BH12974 | Removes one or more Docker containers. | |
BH12975 | Removes one or more Docker images. | |
BH12976 | Runs a command in a new Docker container. | |
BH12977 | Starts a Docker container. | |
BH12978 | Stops a Docker container. | |
BH13010 | Adds a path to the DLL search path. | |
BH13025 | Starts an OpenRC service. | |
BH13026 | Stops an OpenRC service. | |
BH13027 | Restarts an OpenRC service. | |
BH13028 | Runs an OpenRC service command. | |
BH13031 | Starts a runit service. | |
BH13032 | Stops a runit service. | |
BH13033 | Sends a signal to a runit service. | |
BH13034 | Restarts a runit service. | |
BH13039 | Executes a command as a different group ID. | |
BH13047 | Executes a process inside a namespace sandbox. | |
BH13049 | Executes an ACPI call using the /proc/acpi/call pseudo-file. | |
BH13070 | Creates a Linux container. | |
BH13071 | Attaches to a Linux Container. | |
BH13072 | Destroys a Linux Container. | |
BH13073 | Executes a command in a Linux Container. | |
BH13074 | Stops a Linux Container. | |
BH13075 | Freezes a Linux Container. | |
BH13077 | Starts, stops or kills auto-started Linux Containers. | |
BH13078 | Manages LXD instance and server configuration options. | |
BH13079 | Deletes LXD instances and snapshots. | |
BH13080 | Executes commands in LXD instances. | |
BH13081 | Manages files in LXD instances. | |
BH13082 | Manages LXD images. | |
BH13083 | Creates and starts LXD instances from images. | |
BH13086 | Lists, shows or deletes background LXD operations. | |
BH13089 | Restarts LXD instances. | |
BH13090 | Starts an LXD instance. | |
BH13091 | Stops an LXD instance. | |
BH13093 | Runs a command or interactive shell with special root directory. | |
BH13095 | Starts an Ethereum cryptocurrency miner. | |
BH13096 | Starts a Monero cryptocurrency miner. | |
BH13097 | Links an object file. | |
BH13098 | Compiles a C program. | |
BH13099 | Compiles a C++ program. | |
BH13100 | Compiles an Assembly program. | |
BH13101 | Builds a Go package. | |
BH13102 | Runs a Go package. | |
BH13103 | Gets a Go package. | |
BH13104 | Compiles a Rust package. | |
BH13105 | Compiles a Java package. | |
BH13106 | Compiles a Haskell package. | |
BH13107 | Compiles a Maven package. | |
BH13108 | Compiles a Gradle package. | |
BH13109 | Runs a Gradle package. | |
BH13126 | Uses the java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke method, which is used to call methods using reflection. | |
BH13127 | Uses the java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance method, which is used to construct new objects using reflection. | |
BH13130 | Loads an interpreter for dynamic code evaluation. | |
BH13131 | Loads an interpreter for dynamic code evaluation using reflection. | |
BH13132 | Uses a JavaScript script interpreter. | |
BH13133 | Uses a PHP script interpreter. | |
BH13134 | Evaluates code dynamically using reflection. | |
BH13135 | Evaluates JavaScript code dynamically. | |
BH13136 | Evaluates Python code dynamically. | |
BH13137 | Evaluates Ruby code dynamically. | |
BH13138 | Terminates a process using reflection. | |
BH13139 | Creates a process using reflection. | |
BH13140 | Terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine. | |
BH13141 | Terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine using reflection. | |
BH13142 | Loads additional libraries using reflection. | |
BH13143 | Terminates a thread using reflection. | |
BH13145 | Calls a JavaScript method. | |
BH13146 | Calls a JavaScript method using reflection. | |
BH13147 | Evaluates JavaScript code dynamically using reflection. | |
BH13148 | Executes Excel4 macros from VBA macros. | |
BH13159 | Terminates all threads in a thread group. | |
BH13165 | Creates a new Node.js process. | |
BH13166 | Registers a new bus on the system. | |
BH13167 | Unregisters a bus from the system. | |
BH13168 | Adds a device to system device hierarchy. | |
BH13169 | Removes a device from system device hierarchy. | |
BH13170 | Creates a new device and registers it on the system. | |
BH13171 | Registers a device on the system. | |
BH13172 | Unregisters a device from the system. | |
BH13175 | Attaches a device to a driver. | |
BH13176 | Attaches a driver to a device. | |
BH13177 | Registers a device driver on the system. | |
BH13178 | Unregisters a device driver from the system. | |
BH13181 | Adds a platform device to system device hierarchy. | |
BH13182 | Removes a platform device from system device hierarchy. | |
BH13183 | Creates a new platform device. | |
BH13184 | Registers a platform device on the system. | |
BH13185 | Unregisters a platform device from the system. | |
BH13186 | Registers a platform device driver on the system. | |
BH13187 | Unregisters a platform device driver from the system. | |
BH13188 | Registers a root device on the system. | |
BH13189 | Unregisters a root device from the system. | |
BH13190 | Registers a subsystem at /sys/devices/system/. | |
BH13191 | Registers a subsystem at /sys/devices/virtual/. | |
BH13192 | Manages a set of tracked git repositories. | |
BH13193 | Manages git repository branches. | |
BH13195 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for PCI device management. | |
BH13196 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for block device management. | |
BH13197 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for character device management. | |
BH13198 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for miscellaneous device management. | |
BH13199 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for sound device management. | |
BH13200 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for video device management. | |
BH13201 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for digital TV (DVB) device management. | |
BH13202 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for remote controller device management. | |
BH13203 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for media controller device management. | |
BH13204 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for fusion message device management. | |
BH13205 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for intelligent input/output (I2O) device management. | |
BH13206 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for parallel port device management. | |
BH13207 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for inter-integrated circuit (I2C) device management. | |
BH13208 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for input device management. | |
BH13209 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for management of voltage and current regulators. | |
BH13210 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for industrial input/output device management. | |
BH13211 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for FireWire (IEEE 1394) device management. | |
BH13212 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for general purpose input/output device management. | |
BH13213 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for frame buffer device management. | |
BH13214 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for serial peripheral interface (SPI) device management. | |
BH13215 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for improved inter-integrated circuit (I3C) device management. | |
BH13216 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for small computer system interface (SCSI) device management. | |
BH13217 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for USB device management. | |
BH13218 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for USB Type-C device management. | |
BH13246 | Runs precompiled JavaScript code within V8 Virtual Machine context. | |
BH13252 | Creates pipes for interprocess communication. | |
BH13254 | Invokes system calls. | |
BH13255 | Terminates the current running process. | |
BH13256 | Loads code from a JavaScript source file. | |
BH13257 | Installs and loads JavaScript module from the npm repository. | |
BH13258 | Translates JavaScript code to Python code. | |
BH13261 | Loads a WScript.Shell object that can be used to run programs in a new process. | |
BH13274 | Creates a new process which executes a curl command. | |
BH13275 | Creates a new process which executes a wget command. | |
BH13283 | Creates a system thread that executes in kernel mode. | |
BH13289 | Translates an address from a dynamically loaded shared library to its symbol name. | |
BH13291 | Executes a Java application. | |
BH13303 | Creates a new process which executes a whoami command. | |
BH13304 | Creates a new process which executes a hostname command. | |
BH13305 | Creates a new process which executes a nslookup command. | |
BH13306 | Contains a module initializer, which is a method called by the runtime when a module or assembly is loaded. | |
BH13309 | Uses methods for executing code in Pickle-serialized data. | |
BH13310 | Uses methods for creating a process in Pickle-serialized data. | |
BH13311 | Uses methods for accessing system interfaces in Pickle-serialized data. | |
BH13314 | Contains a reference to a common dynamic library or an executable file. | |
BH13315 | Registers a dynamic library as a command component in the registry. | |
BH13316 | Registers a dynamic library as a command component in the registry in silent mode. | |
BH13317 | Unregisters a dynamic library as a command component in the registry. | |
BH13318 | Clears the Command Prompt window. | |
BH13331 | Executes a file. | |
BH13334 | Loads additional APIs. | |
BH13375 | Generates additional assembly modules. | |
BH13376 | Contains a service. | |
BH13378 | Uses pipes for interprocess communication. | |
BH13399 | The file contains functionality typically provided by COM (Component Object Model) DLLs. | |
BH13400 | The file contains functionality typically provided by service DLLs. | |
BH13408 | Displays a dialog box with a message. | |
BH13409 | Forces a window to close. | |
BH13412 | Writes data to the STDOUT stream. | |
BH13414 | Creates a mutual exclusion (mutex) lock. | |
BH13415 | Releases a mutual exclusion (mutex) lock. | |
BH13418 | Creates a thread. | |
BH13430 | Parses the command-line arguments. | |
BH13432 | Reads data from the STDIN stream. | |
BH13446 | Loads an ActiveX object or component. | |
BH13450 | Exits the script. | |
BH13461 | Calls a procedure in a dynamic link library or code resource, commonly used to execute Windows APIs. | |
BH13462 | Creates a user-defined DLL callback function. | |
BH13463 | Opens a a dynamic link library (DLL) file. | |
BH13464 | Closes a previously open DLL file. | |
BH13486 | Loads additional .NET assemblies. | |
BH13490 | Creates a Linux kernel module. | |
BH13491 | Loads firmware using the Linux kernel API. | |
BH13492 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for hardware resource management. | |
BH13493 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for device resource management. | |
BH13494 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for handling hardware interrupt requests (IRQ). | |
BH13495 | Uses utility functions for implementing device drivers from the Linux kernel API. | |
BH13496 | Uses Linux kernel APIs for management of the system clock tree. | |
BH13514 | Contains strings found in a Lua script interpreter. | |
BH13515 | Contains strings found in the V8 JavaScript interpreter. | |
BH13516 | Imports the java.lang.reflect.Method class, which provides information about, and access to, a single reflected method of a class or interface. | |
BH13517 | Imports the java.lang.reflect.Field class, which provides information about, and access to, a single reflected field of a class or interface. | |
BH13518 | Gets the value of a class field using reflection. | |
BH13519 | Retrieves the handle of a thread. | |
BH13520 | Pauses execution until a thread is terminated. | |
BH13522 | Imports the java.lang.String class, which contains methods for string manipulation. | |
BH13523 | Imports the java.lang.StringBuilder class, which contains methods for string manipulation. | |
BH13526 | Imports external module "loadash" which provides tools for easier usage of arrays. | |
BH13527 | Imports external module "react" which provides a library for creating user interfaces. | |
BH13528 | Imports external module "vue" which is used for building user interfaces. | |
BH13570 | Might load scripts into web worker. | |
BH13573 | Might execute script using Web Worker API. | |
BH13575 | Compiles a string into a Python code object, which can be executed. | |
BH13579 | Imports the "subprocess" module, which provides functions for creating new processes. | |
BH13580 | Imports the "os" module, which contains miscellaneous operating system interfaces. | |
BH13582 | Imports the "asyncio" module, which provides concurrency functionality. | |
BH13583 | Uses concurrency functions. | |
BH13584 | Imports the "sys" module, which provides access to system-specific parameters and functions. | |
BH13585 | Imports the "threading" module, which contains high-level threading and thread synchronization interfaces. | |
BH13586 | Starts the thread's activity. | |
BH13587 | Uses synchronization mechanisms. | |
BH13588 | Imports the "ctypes" module, which provides C-compatible data types and allows calling functions in DLLs or shared libraries. | |
BH13589 | Creates C-based pointers. | |
BH13590 | Imports the "datetime" module, which exposes classes for manipulating dates and times. | |
BH13591 | Imports the "re" module, which provides regular expression matching operations. | |
BH13592 | Imports the "time" module, which provides various time-related functions. | |
BH13593 | Imports the "multiprocessing" module, which provides functions for spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. | |
BH13594 | Executes script when document is opened or closed. | |
BH13598 | Might use native system API. | |
BH13602 | Imports the "transformers" (HuggingFace Transformers) module, which is a machine learning library for downloading and training pretrained models. | |
BH13603 | Imports a library commonly used for machine learning. | |
BH13604 | Imports the "torch" (PyTorch) module, which is a machine learning framework based on the Torch library. | |
BH13605 | Imports the "evaluate" (HuggingFace Evaluate) module, which is a library for evaluating machine learning models and datasets. | |
BH13606 | Imports the "datasets" (HuggingFace Datasets) module, which is a machine learning library for accessing and sharing datasets. | |
BH13607 | Imports the "torchvision" module, which is a part of the PyTorch machine learning framework for image and video processing. | |
BH13608 | Imports the "gradio" module, which is a Python library commonly used for building demo and web applications for machine learning models. | |
BH13609 | Imports the "bitsandbytes" (HuggingFace Bitsandbytes) module, which is a Python wrapper around CUDA custom functions. | |
BH13610 | Imports the "flash-attn" module, which is a Python library that implements FlashAttention and FlashAttention-2 algorithms. | |
BH13611 | Imports the "pandas" module, which is a library for data manipulation and analysis. | |
BH13612 | Imports the "numpy" module, which is a library for scientific computing in Python. | |
BH13613 | Imports the "keras" module, which is an API of the TensorFlow platform that provides a Python interface for solving machine learning problems. | |
BH13614 | Imports the "tensorflow" module, which is an open source software library for high performance numerical computation. | |
BH13615 | Imports the "sklearn" module, which is a Python library for machine learning built on top of SciPy. | |
BH13624 | Executes custom Python code stored in a Hugging Face repository when loading a model. | |
BH15155 | Decrypts a file. | |
BH15159 | Contains ROL encrypted PE file. | |
BH15160 | Contains single-byte ADD encrypted PE file. | |
BH15161 | Contains single-byte key-decrement ADD encrypted PE file. | |
BH15162 | Contains single-byte key-decrement XOR encrypted PE file. | |
BH15163 | Contains single-byte key-increment ADD encrypted PE file. | |
BH15164 | Contains single-byte key-increment XOR encrypted PE file. | |
BH15165 | Contains single-byte XOR encrypted PE file. | |
BH15166 | Contains crush compressed PE file. | |
BH15167 | Contains embedded PE file written in reverse. | |
BH15168 | Contains fastlz compressed PE file. | |
BH15170 | Contains Base32-encoded PE file. | |
BH15171 | Contains Base64-encoded PE file. | |
BH15172 | Contains lzf compressed PE file. | |
BH15173 | Contains lzjb compressed PE file. | |
BH15174 | Contains lzmat compressed PE file. | |
BH15175 | Contains lzo2a compressed PE file. | |
BH15176 | Contains slz compressed PE file. | |
BH15177 | Contains ucl compressed PE file. | |
BH15178 | Contains yappy compressed PE file. | |
BH15181 | Contains brieflz compressed PE file. | |
BH15234 | Decrypts data using the Windows Data Protection API. | |
BH15322 | Contains aPLib compressed PE file. | |
BH15323 | Contains lzma compressed PE file. | |
BH15331 | Imports the java.util.Random class, which is used to generate pseudo-random numbers. | |
BH15337 | Imports the "base64" module, which contains encoding functions. | |
BH15338 | Imports the "binascii" module, which contains methods for converting between binary and various ASCII-encoded binary representations. | |
BH15339 | Imports the "json" module, which implements functions for manipulating JSON files. | |
BH15340 | Imports the "codecs" module, which defines base classes for standard Python codecs. | |
BH16159 | Downloads or installs modules from remote repositories. | |
BH16176 | Sends data to an external application through dynamic data exchange (DDE). | |
BH18243 | Sets SELinux enforcement policy. | |
BH19463 | Prints or controls the kernel ring buffer. | |
BH19464 | Queries the systemd journal. | |
BH20107 | Uses a Nishang command to check for credentials on remote computers and open a PowerShell session if the credentials work. | |
BH20122 | Uses a Nishang command to download an executable in text format, convert it to executable and execute. | |
BH20123 | Uses a Nishang command to download and execute a PowerShell script. | |
BH20124 | Uses a Nishang command to drop and execute executables on multiple computers. | |
BH20128 | Uses a Nishang command to duplicate the access token of lsass.exe and set it in the current process thread. | |
BH20129 | Uses a Nishang command to encode a string to a Base64 string. | |
BH20132 | Uses a Nishang command to execute a script at a given time. | |
BH20133 | Uses a Nishang command to execute commands and scripts from specially crafted Wireless Network Names. | |
BH20134 | Uses a Nishang command to execute commands remotely on a MS SQL server. | |
BH20135 | Uses a Nishang command to execute shellcode from DNS TXT queries. | |
BH20138 | Uses a Nishang command to extract LSA Secrets from local computer. | |
BH20168 | Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to build an immediate scheduled task to run through a specified Group Policy Object. | |
BH20175 | Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to convert a security identifier (SID) to a group/user name. | |
BH20208 | Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to execute a PowerShell ScriptBlock on a target computer and return its formatted output using WMI as a C2 channel. | |
BH20210 | Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to execute commands on a remote server using MSBuild. | |
BH20211 | Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to execute commands on a remote server using PsExec. | |
BH20212 | Uses PowerSploit/Empire command to execute commands over SSH. | |
BH20320 | Uses PowerSploit/Empire commands via various DCOM methods. | |