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Detected presence of software components that can access user identity information.

priorityCI/CD statusseverityeffortRL levelRL assessment

About the issueโ€‹

Operating systems allow multiple user accounts to coexist on a single computer system. Each registered user has identity information associated with their account. At the very least, user accounts consist of a user name and an optional password. In some cases, user account data may also include personally identifiable information. Extended personal information may include user's given and last name, their email and mailing address, personal photo and their telephone number. Financially motivated attackers may seek to collect personal information for purposes of selling the private data to a third-party. Malicious code that typically exhibits these behavior traits is commonly referred to as an information stealer. While the presence of code that accesses identity information does not necessarily imply malicious intent, all of its uses in a software package should be documented and approved. Accessing identity information is a very common behavior for software packages. One example of acceptable use for such functions is verifying that the active user has purchased a software license that allows them to run the application.

How to resolve the issueโ€‹

  • Investigate reported detections as indicators of software tampering.
  • Consult Mitre ATT&CK documentation: T1033 - System Owner/User Discovery.