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Detected presence of active web service API keys.

priorityCI/CD statusseverityeffortRL levelRL assessment
passmediummediumNonesecrets: warning
Reason: active web service credentials

About the issueโ€‹

Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms expose programmable interfaces to their authenticated users. These web services enable action automation and secure exchange of information. Web service users can provide a unique key that identifies the caller or confirms the access rights. API keys for supported web services are automatically validated via the least privilege APIs the service exposes. Detected API keys have been accepted as valid by the services they are associated with. This indicates they are currently active and may be abused if exposed to the public. API keys could be considered secret. Keys that can be safely included in a software release package should only be used to identify the caller. For authentication, users should generate their own access keys instead.

How to resolve the issueโ€‹

  • You should securely store web service access keys, and fully automate their management and periodic rotation.
  • If keys were published unintentionally and the software has been made public, you should revoke exposed keys and file a security incident.

Incidence statisticsโ€‹

Not relevant for this type of sensitive information.