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Preview stream

What is the Preview stream?โ€‹

ReversingLabs publishes different versions of the rl-secure CLI tool and makes them available in separate release streams. Two different streams can be used by rl-secure - Production and Preview.

The Production stream is the default stream for working with rl-secure. It requires no special license, so any user with a valid license automatically has access to it.

Users that are a part of the ReversingLabs Partner program can configure rl-secure to run the Preview stream instead by using either the rl-secure config command or the --stream parameter in the rl-scanner Docker image.

The Preview stream is also known as the early access stream limited to users with a special OEM partner license. It contains the upcoming version of rl-secure, so users can test out new features a few days before their official release. This stream is also useful for confirming the compatibility of user integrations with the latest CLI changes.


Accessing the Preview stream is possible under the following conditions:

  • You have either a locally installed version of rl-secure or the rl-scanner Docker image.
  • You have a valid rl-secure license. For the rl-scanner Docker image you also need the site key.
  • Your company is a part of the ReversingLabs Partner program.
  • You have a suitable OEM license provided by ReversingLabs.

Configure the Preview streamโ€‹

To switch to the Preview stream, specify the configuration key name (updates) followed by the value you want to set (preview).

You can omit the --key and --value options from the command as long as the key and its new value are provided exactly in that order, one after the other (as illustrated in the Simplified input example).

rl-secure config preview

The config command exits without any output when the configuration change is successful.

To confirm your changes have been saved, open the file in the directory that contains your rl-secure executable. The file should include the following:

updates {
stream preview

You can also edit the file manually, but it's recommended to use the config command.

Configure stream in rl-scanner

To choose the release stream in the rl-scanner Docker image, consult the Docker image guide.

Revert to the default streamโ€‹

To go back to using the default (Production) stream, you can do so by either:

  • changing the updates key value:

    rl-secure config production
  • or deleting the updates key:

    rl-secure config --delete-key updates