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2025-02-27 Documentation updates


Documentation release for the Spectra Assure CLI 2.5.5 product update.

New release of the Spectra Assure Portal and Public API documentation, covering the 2025.2.2 Portal version.


  • Updated the rl-deploy version, release date, links, and hashes to v2.3.0


  • Made a new Best practices for working with projects guide in the Portal docs. It includes the best naming practices, as well as all important information on the projects hierarchy and usage on Spectra Assure Portal

  • Separated the workflows from the Portal File Stream and Projects pages. This helps users focus on the actions available on each page, without having to scroll through the general information every time

  • Simplified the File Stream and Projects workflows and added roles tags to each. This eliminates the need to check the User and group management page for every action

  • Replaced all screenshots with interactive guides in the Portal docs


  • Moved the Reproducibility check section from the Projects page to the Report landing page

  • Updated the SAFE Viewer version, release date, links, and hashes to v1.0.4

  • Added information on the new File Stream header to the Summary page of the SAFE report. It allows users to export parts of the report in various formats and move the version to a project of their choice right from the top of the landing page of the report

  • Removed the incorrectly included RAT from the list of Threat types on the Summary page of the report


  • Re-designed API, Portal, and CLI category landing pages to look the same as Integrations, Partners, and SAFE category landing pages in our docs

  • Moved Reproducibility checks, Live secret validation, and Managing third-party risks guides to a new Conceptual guides sidebar category