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Spectra Assure CLI tools

A set of multi-platform CLI tools for fast and flexible software package analysis.

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Benefits of Spectra Assure CLIโ€‹

Self-managed deployments of Spectra Assure CLI let you experiment with scanning capabilities, control usage costs, implement full shift-left capabilities, and process sensitive information without submitting anything to the cloud.

โญ๏ธ The rl-secure tool scans software packages and helps users improve their software quality and security.

โญ๏ธ The rl-deploy tool optimizes the process of integrating software scanning capabilities with DevSecOps tools and processes.

โญ๏ธ The rl-safe tool provides a convenient way to share and store SAFE reports.


With rl-secure, you can:

  • Scan your software release packages on-premises and in your CI/CD pipelines to prevent threats from reaching production.
  • Compare package versions to ensure no vulnerabilities are introduced in your code, or in the open source libraries and third-party components you use.
  • Prevent private keys, tokens, credentials and other sensitive information from leaking into production.
  • Identify problematic signatures and other certificate-related weaknesses.
  • Detect vulnerable dependencies in your software projects.
  • Improve developer experience and ensure compliance with security best practices.
  • Generate actionable analysis reports to help you prioritize and remediate issues in collaboration with your DevOps and security teams.

rl-secure is designed to help you:

  • Understand how your software behaves
  • Improve your code and container security
  • Identify code quality issues
  • Optimize your software development lifecycle


rl-deploy makes it easier to:

  • Install and use rl-secure in short-lived, temporary environments and on machines that don't have a stable machine number.
  • Integrate rl-secure in your build pipelines and automate security scanning of your build artifacts.


rl-safe makes it easier to:

  • Share the complete SAFE report with people who don't use Spectra Assure products.
  • Store SAFE reports offline and audit them even after your software packages are reprocessed or removed from the package store.

Get Spectra Assure CLIโ€‹

The Spectra Assure CLI supports the systems and architectures listed on the System recommendations page.

You can install Spectra Assure CLI in any of the following ways. Select the tab for your preferred approach to view the instructions.

To install rl-secure directly, you have to contact ReversingLabs Support and request the installation package.

Follow the manual installation guide for step-by-step instructions.

rl-safe is automatically installed with rl-secure.

Internet connection is required!

To install and use the Spectra Assure CLI, your system must have internet access. When scanning your software packages, Spectra Assure connects to the ReversingLabs cloud to verify your license and remaining analysis capacity.

Learn moreโ€‹

  • Browse the documentation on this website. Use the navigation sidebar to discover content by type and topic, or look up specific keywords in the search bar.

  • Keep up with all things Spectra Assure on the official ReversingLabs blog.

  • Learn how to work with other ReversingLabs products in the official documentation.

  • Access the ReversingLabs Content Library for a wealth of learning resources about our products and technology.